How would you answer the question, How are you feeling?
Just sit with the question and become aware of what the answer brings up.
Is the answer coming from your head, does it match with the physical feeling in your body? How do we find the quiet space to allow our true feelings to surface?
My sense of how I am feeling can be all over the place in the busyness of my day, and depending on who is asking the question, the answer can be really varied.
So time to take stock and realize that I create my feelings, and that it is my thoughts that determine how I will feel.
Time to take notice of the thoughts that run through my mind. Allow myself to think pleasant thoughts about myself and my life!
Easier said than done, but the amazing thing is that when I look for the good, it is generally there to be found, and I notice that I feel better about myself and my situation.
This too shall pass, someone once said, and it always does. Time to lighten the load and feelings, more smiling, more laughing, more loving. It ALWAYS works out! So, why not allow myself to feel good on the way?!
Would I be mad enough not to worry?
When I allow myself to feel good I get more clarity about my present and my future, I then feel like taking ACTION, and the action I take when I feel good, practically always works out in my favour.
It’s so simple, I just gotta keep those GOOD FEELINGS going!