One of the recurring themes for me right now revolves around the word AWARE. Like how aware am I of my behaviours and habits? Is the way I’m thinking and are the things I’m doing, serving my best purpose? Am I fully aware of my purpose? And are my actions aligning to what I really want from my life?
Nothing like someone you love being diagnosed with a life threatening disease to focus the mind on how you are living your own life!
So, becoming more aware of how my language is translating to the person I am communicating with. Becoming more aware of what is being said, and more importantly not said, allowing myself to listen fully, without getting in the way with my internal chatter. Becoming more aware of how the combination of my thinking mind becomes my belief system, which in turn determines my emotional state and that this determines my outcomes in life.
I am more aware, that by changing these underlying emotions, then I can determine what I achieve in my life. Pretty amazing stuff, this awareness! And guess what? I am even aware that it will all work out OK anyway, how cool is that!