The word that keeps coming up for me is the word attachment.
Like how attached am I to a certain outcome? Or, how attached am I to my point of view? How good am I at letting things go?
It can be very uncomfortable to let things flow when you don’t feel like you are controlling the flow. It brings up another word the follows very quickly on the heels of attachment, TRUST!
Oooh, trusting that by letting go my attachment to how things should be or look, that they will turn out OK!
Always very easy to contemplate when things are going my way, and at my pace, not so easy when not so obviously going my way, and definitely not at the pace I would normally choose.
So, time to stand back and let myself see what is really going on, because the issue is NEVER the issue.
Time to really challenge my belief system, to inject some positive energy around those emotions and let the flow carry me to where I am meant to be!
Knowing that the less attached I am to any outcome the more likely it is that my trusting will get me more than I want.
A lovely daily meditation that allows me focus on raising my emotional energy level has my tummy fluttering with excitement.
Happy days!