We recently worked with 60 leaders from a multinational healthcare company to help them work better as a team. We used Belbin tests to identify each person’s preferences. The results were fascinating.
The course was suggested by their VIve President, who’s responsible for their results. He wanted to increase revenue and drive the bottom line of the business. He saw better collaboration and alignment in his team as the way to achieve it. Over our 3 days together, we discussed everything from their company’s culture, to each unit’s challenges and struggles. It was an incredibly insightful couple of days where we worked to help them shape their team’s attitudes and culture.
The most engaging part of the week was when we discussed each person’s role in a team. We used the Belbin analysis tool to help each individual understand more about their working preferences and where they naturally place themselves within a team dynamic.
Before the seminar, each member had answered roughly 20-40 questions on their working preferences. Each member got a document with their results, suggesting in what way they work best within a team.
The discussions that followed the results were fascinating. People were starting to realise that they we natural team-players, or natural leaders. Some learnt that they work well on their own, some learnt they’re at their best when given creative freedom, some need structure and guidance.
The results facilitated brilliant conversation between us, where each person freely discussed their likes and dislikes in their role. Naturally, we also discussed each others’ strengths and weaknesses. It was amazing to see peoples eye’s light up as they began to understand why they were having certain issues in their team or with their boss. Or why they find certain work situations and relationships a breeze. The penny was dropping for people.
After the course, the team became more self-aware, both as a whole and individually. Real conversations were had, between team-members their bosses and between people with similar responsibilities. They became more self-aware in how they approach work and their colleagues. We witnessed transformation take place. Now it’s up to the team and their leaders to maintain and develop those learnings. An exciting time in the company and for it’s employees.
What’s your default position in a team? How does it impact your enjoyment while actually doing your work? How does it impact your ability to produce top quality results? Would learning more about your preferences and abilities help you improve?
Here’s a link to Belbin’s site and their resources. It’s what we use to help people understand how they fit into a team. Feel free to contact us and we can help you through the process. By taking ownership of your self-awareness, you can become a better team-member, and ultimately have more fulfilling work in your life.