Am I doing what I do best for my business? Is my business reaching its full potential? Am I living my life with balance, or am I consumed with work? Am I confident I have the right team in place? Am I allowing people to shine where they shine best? Are my best customers getting the attention they deserve? Should I create a board of directors?

SME & Start Up

It is hard to find the time to stand back and critically assess how your business is functioning. Day to day priorities can keep getting in the way of you finding the time to truly examine how well the business is structured and if the right people are in the right roles, to allow the company to succeed in reaching its full potential.

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We help companies to identify their reason for being in business. This starts with identifying the culture and focus of the senior team. We work with the owners and executive teams to align roles and responsibilities so that everyone gets the opportunity to shine where they shine best for the business.

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We facilitate real discussions and conversations that are difficult to have in the normal course of day to day business.

We help to create clear goals, objectives and targets for the business.


[iconbox2 title=”Increased Profits”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Clear direction and focus”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Defined culture & Common purpose”][/iconbox2]
[iconbox2 title=”Clarity of purpose”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Aligned team”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Excited and motivated team”][/iconbox2]


Ian will be happy to assist you in any situation, so don’t hesitate to contact us!

[button type=”rd_stroke_bt” size=”large_rd_bt” use_icon=”yes” icon_color=”#ffffff” t_color=”#ffffff” radius=”1″ border_size=”border_2px” url=”” position=”ta_center” icon=”fa-envelope”]CONTACT[/button]