Am I doing what I do best for my business? Is my business reaching its full potential? Am I living my life with balance, or am I consumed with work? Am I confident I have the right team in place? Am I allowing people to shine where they shine best? Are my best customers getting the attention they deserve? Should I create a board of directors?


The diversity involved in leading large corporate business can seem like herding a bag of mad cats. Very often departments can begin to operate as separate businesses in and of themselves. The challenge is to create alignment at the leadership level so that the organisation can function to its full potential.

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There is an Italian phrase that says “the fish always rots from the head down”. That is why it is important to get the executive team living the vision and values of the business, so that you create a culture that allows the business to flourish.

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We can then work with senior executives individually and with their teams to create more alignment within the business and identify opportunities for cross collaboration and integration.

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We facilitate real conversations that unearth all the potential and challenges in a high performing team and help set clear goals and objectives with the team to allow it to reach its full potential.

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On a larger scale we develop programmes that allow the majority of the workforce to have a say and a part to play in a shaping of the culture of the organisation. Allowing participants to feel more engaged and motivated to achieving the company’s objectives.

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We do this in a number of ways, namely:

Senior Management Team Development

Culture/change/initiative programme

Departmental Team Development

Executive Coaching


[iconbox2 title=”A cohesive senior team”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Alignment to vision and values”][/iconbox2]
[iconbox2 title=”Clear cultural identity”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”A motivated and engaged workforce”][/iconbox2]


Ian will be happy to assist you in any situation, so don’t hesitate to contact us!

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