Am I doing what I do best for my business? Is my business reaching its full potential? Am I living my life with balance, or am I consumed with work? Am I confident I have the right team in place? Am I allowing people to shine where they shine best? Are my best customers getting the attention they deserve? Should I create a board of directors?


We are so busy focused on achieving results that we don’t recognise the bad habits and ineffective procedures that inhibit us from reaching the true brilliance of the team’s potential. Our workshop will allow the team to stand back from the business.

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We create dynamic teams with experiential learning activities and team assessment instruments, illustrating the importance of understanding personal selection and those of others. The team develops insights on specific issues and investigates strategies dealing with current and future tasks.

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We us a variety of instruction and teaching methods, including individual and group work, case study analysis and executive games all devised to allow participants experience the process change required to improve team dynamics in individual teams, challenging teams.


[iconbox2 title=”Create superior team environment that recognises the value of the individual as well as the team.”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Enhance the planning skills and attention to detail in structuring organisational goals and objectives.”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Recognise and utilise creative and innovative skills”][/iconbox2]
[iconbox2 title=”Develop the individual in conjunction with group cohesiveness and performance.”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Create a “can-do” environment through the use of positive language, attitude and habits.”][/iconbox2][iconbox2 title=”Allow individuals to shine where they shine best”][/iconbox2]


Ian will be happy to assist you in any situation, so don’t hesitate to contact us!

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