Monday Doesn’t Know It’s Monday

Have you ever dreaded Mondays? Ever had to set 5 or 6 alarms to make sure you can drag yourself out of bed. Ever felt “Sunday night fear”? I have… and it’s horrible. Ever wondered if there is another way? There is. A friend of mine recently told me how when he was in school,…

Give Yourself Some Space

At Essential Training, we’re pretty lucky that we regularly come in contact with a lot of successful people, in all senses of the word. However, in the last few weeks, I’ve noticed how little space most people give themselves. What do I mean? I mean people’s lives are so full they don’t have a second…

2 Day Course – Lead From The Right

Lead From The Right is a two day retreat where people from all walks of business take time to reflect. It’s an opportunity for people to discuss what’s going on for them. People come for many reasons, and often come away with a renewed perspective on their lives. Why Go?   I signed up for…

What Stories Do You Tell Yourself?

Hi, I’m Brian Kingston, Ian’s son. I’ve been in training to be a coaching Guru at Essential Training under the tutelage of Ian (or “the old fella” as I like to call him) since before I could speak. After a few chats recently, we feel it’s a good idea to get some Essential Training fundamentals…