Did you ever notice how it is obvious that seemingly random events, are absolutely connected, after the event? How when you look back in hindsight, you can join the dots and make the connections. Imagine if I could do that going forward! Wouldn’t it be great if I could be OPEN enough, TRUSTING enough and FEARLESS.
Three simple ingredients, that when put together would make me pretty much bullet proof!
Open, to the possibilities presented daily. Being open would mean that I would be present in a way that would allow me to spot the possibility in the first place Being present enough to ignore the noise and to see, hear and feel what it is that is in front of me. So often I am distracted from seeing what should be absolutely obvious to me.
Trusting, enough to know that my heart and gut feel will always direct me on the right path. Knowing that everything is being presented for a reason, and trusting that I am always divinely protected. Trusting that by going about my business with the best intention for all involved, will see everything work out for the best.
And finally, being Fearless. Fear is the root cause of all misery, failure and sabotage. Fear can be positive in tiny doses because the adrenalin can propel me forward and into action. When I am Fearless I am in flow, things take on a positive rhythm all of their own, I’m in the zone, and everything is possible.
Now, what were those three things again?