The Call

You who has marched to the beat of another’s drum. And been best girl and boy as you have done so. Because your sense of duty and honour could only allow you to play an amazing role and give of your best and more. And all the while distracting yourself from that inner call. That…

The OK-ness of Now

I am constantly blown away by the brilliance, resilience, the beauty, courage and vulnerability of us humans. Every day I get to meet this incredible beauty head on, in the most ordinary of circumstances, with the most ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Extraordinary things that they are brilliantly getting on with. I am continuously reminded…

Creating Space

In all the manicness of daily living, where do I get the space to truly understand what is going on in my world? And the part that I play in it. Am I giving myself the time to fully appreciate everything and everyone in my life? Can I take responsibility for everything or anything that…


The word that keeps coming up for me is the word attachment. Like how attached am I to a certain outcome? Or, how attached am I to my point of view? How good am I at letting things go? It can be very uncomfortable to let things flow when you don’t feel like you are…

It’s Simple but Not Easy!

Did you ever notice how it is obvious that seemingly random events, are absolutely connected, after the event? How when you look back in hindsight, you can join the dots and make the connections. Imagine if I could do that going forward! Wouldn’t it be great if I could be OPEN enough, TRUSTING enough and…

It’s Only Part of Living….

That is how my dad explained his immanent death to his granddaughter, my daughter. He was told in October 2010 that he had terminal cancer and he died on the 6th of Feb 2011. He was truly an amazing man, who accepted his death with joy and grace. It’s not that he was a saint,…

It’s All in the Feeling

How would you answer the question, How are you feeling? Just sit with the question and become aware of what the answer brings up. Is the answer coming from your head, does it match with the physical feeling in your body? How do we find the quiet space to allow our true feelings to surface?…


One of the recurring themes for me right now revolves around the word AWARE. Like how aware am I of my behaviours and habits? Is the way I’m thinking and are the things I’m doing, serving my best purpose? Am I fully aware of my purpose? And are my actions aligning to what I really…